
Rigger course
Our earlier 9 day rigger course is now changed. We now provide a split into a 4-day theory and 5-day practice course. The theory part is via e-learning and for the practice part you come to our training facilities like before. The modules that are accredited after both theory and practice are; O-1.1, O-2.2, O-2.3, O-3.2

E-learning is an interetbased system where you plan and organize your learning. E-learning means that that you can learn the theory that you need in your own home. The online course has a different chapters for you to go through and and at the end of each chapter there will be a quiz. When you have passed the quiz (receiving 80% correct answers) you can go on to the next chapter. You can not skip ahead to the next chapter without first completing the current chapter. However you can go back and read the previous chapters that you have already completed. You must have read and understood all the theory when you come to us.